Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 61 - Trick or Treat Mao

When Alfred wants more food he tries to trick us.
He pretends he's starving.  And lies down right in the middle of the floor looking starved.
If we're smart we'll ask each other if he's been fed.
Tonight we were smart.
Trick or treat Mr Alfred Mao.
You Trick.
No Treat.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 60 - Sunday Sleep In Mao

I woke up this morning to find Alfred rocking his cuteness down the end of the bed.
It's weird, he doesn't sleep in during the weekdays but he does on a weekend, it's like he knows that's what weekends are for.

Day 59 - Munching Mao

Despite having food in his bowl Alfred demanded more.
So naturally being good slaves we complied.
And he didn't even look grateful.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 58 - Mao on the Prowl

Gosh, after 58 days I can't be sure if I'm repeating the titles of my blog.
Oh well.
Anyway, Alfred was out and about this evening and I decided to try and get a picture.  He moved a lot.  Anyone would thing the little fame whore was camera shy.
But eventually I got the million dollar pic, a good pap always does.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 57 - Be Still My Heart Mao

I decided to heave my old body off the couch to get some water and found Alfred lying stretched out on the floor looking completely adorable.

That is all.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 56 - Call him Loyal Mao

Here is Alfred sitting by a door.
Not just any door.
But his Masters door.
Behind that door is my husband, working on his many projects.
And Alfred knows to not to disturb him when he's busy so he waits.  And waits.  And waits.
Somewhere a little cat waits and hopes that one day his Master will leave his room and deign to show him love and adoration and other stuff.
Yep, Alfred waits.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 55 - Blissed Out Mao

When the weather heats up Alfred moults like a mo-fo.
You pick him up for a cuddle and you put him down with half his fur attached to your clothing.
To combat this The Husband (mostly) or I (rarely) comb Alfred every day.
And Alfred loves it!
It's like cat crack.
And when we come home he maos at us until someone gives him his fix.
So we do.
We are such enablers.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 54 - Mao Stalking

Alfred was being cute.  Yeah, I know, what a surprise.
So I raced inside to get the camera and he'd disappeared. 
I then spied him by the garage, moved up to him, and he raced into the neighbour's property.
It's so unfair he can just wander into any neighbours property any time he wants.  If I did that I'd end up in trouble for trespassing.

Day 53 - All Black Alfred

What a night.
The All Blacks beat France to win Rugby World Cup 2011.
By george.
Alfred dressed up for the occasion.
In a coat of black fur with white socks, boots and a bib.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 52 - Afternoon Ablutions Alfred

When humans wake we perform our ablutions.
When Alfred awakes.  In the afternoon.  He also performs his ablutions.
But unlike we humans he does it in plain sight.
It can get graphic.

Day 51 - Rub Me Up The Right Way Mao

Whenever Alfred wants food he hangs around the pantry.
And when he sees you he starts rubbing his cheek up against the corner by the pantry.
It's super cute.
I think it's a kind of catty hypnotism because whenever he does it I end up feeding him.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 50 - A Shining Example of Cattiness

Whilst doing the dishes I spied Alfred on the fence.
So I made like a cat and stalked him.
As usual he saw me before I could steal a picture from him.
I swear he's got spidey sense.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 49 - Alfred the Forlorn

I have a headache.
Third one in three days.
I tried to get a cool Alfred picture.
And if I had an automatic camera attached to my eyeball I would've.
He was outside wanting to be let in.  Standing on his hind quarters pawing at the window.
I missed that shot.
I got this instead.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 48 - Shunned by The Mao

Alfred was all set to get up on the couch for his evening cuddle.
He wouldn't been snuggled up between his human cat daddy and me.
I reached for the camera and he leapt off like one of those ratty possumy type animals that fly from tree to tree.
It was kinda funny.
Now he won't get back on the couch.  Oh and has glowing evil eyes.  I'll be sleeping with one eye open.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 47 - Mexican Couch Off Mao

This evening Alfred desired cuddles.  But he wanted me to go to him.
But I did not want to go to him.  I wanted him to come to me.
It's been ten minutes.
We're still staring at each other.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 46 - Alfred On His Throne

Alfred has a chair.
And make no mistake, it is his chair.
Not my chair.
Not my husband's chair.
And most certainly not your chair.
And if he should find you sitting on his chair he will give you a look.  And if you should stay the night at our house after sitting in his chair he may give you more than just a look.  You have been warned.  Don't let the cuteness fool you.

Day 45 - Clean Puss

Mr Alfred Mao takes great pride in his hygiene.

Some cats sleep all day.  I'm sure Alfred cleans himself all day.

And all night too.

I'm often woken up in the middle of the night to feel the bed shaking as his little raspy tongue furiously licks his fur.

It's a little annoying sometimes, but I guess it's better to have a clean puss than to not have a clean puss.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 44 - As Is Where Is Alfred

It's late.
I'm tired.
Alfred has finally chosen to grace me with his cattiness.
This is the late tired photo to prove it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 43 - Nearly On The Prowl Mao

Mr Alfred Mao was doing his usual hanging about the door wanting to be let out.  Ignoring his own cat door as usual.

So I let him out.  Then I watched and waited, then harassed and harangued until I got this picture.

I call it 'Nearly On The Prowl Mao' as the post's name would suggest.  Except five minutes later he still hasn't left that spot.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 42 - Butter Wouldn't Melt Mao

You wouldn't know from this picture that minutes beforehand Alfred had been attempting to jump on the kitchen bench to get at the whitebait I'd bought for tonight's dinner.

I considered giving him one of these delicious wee fishies, then I remembered that they cost me $30 for 230 grams and decided to shoo him away instead.

Day 41 - Secret Agent Mao

Alfred is a spy.
It's true.
He's a lurker from way back.  Gathering information.  Like when you're likely to come home.  What time you'll feed him.  When you'll go to bed to cuddle him.
Sometimes he's not a very good spy.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 40 - Staring matches with the wall Mao

Alfred wasn't really staring at the wall.
He was put out as he wasn't getting food.
You see we feed Alfred twice a day and he was hoping for a third feed.
I hate to admit it, but I relented and gave him a little bit more.
I hope that extra bit of food translates in an extra bit of Mao love.
Probably not though.
He only has eyes for my husband.  And the wall.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 39 - Eagle Alfred

Alfred decided to join us whilst we were sitting on the deck reading the papers this morning.
He then heard the faint twitter of a bird and adopted the position of ...
Eagle Alfred.

(So named as his haunches looked positively eagle-esque)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 38 - Pushy Alfred

Mr Mao has certain spots he likes to sit on.
One is the window sill.
Another is his chair in the lounge.
My lap is becoming a regular place to sit.
The bed, any spot.
And my husband's workroom chair ... when my husband is sitting in it.
He shoulders his way in, creating space where there was none.  And he will not move.  Tip the chair on an angle and he'll grip on for dear life.
He's determined.  I like that in a cat.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 37 - Pay Attention to me Alfred

Alfred is not fond of us paying attention to other things.
Especially electrical devices.
My laptop and The Husband's Kindle is regularly head bumped when in use.
Occasionally he uses the corner of them as a cheek scratching post.
We're yet to come home to find them in enraged shreds.
Probably because they're plastic.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 36 - Sniff and Lick Alfred

Remember in the old days you'd get stuff you could scratch and sniff?  I always liked the chocolate flavoured smells.  If you licked them you were let down though.  Tasted like paper.

In the cat world I imagine a lot of life involves scratch and sniff.  Or sniff and lick.  Alfred sniffed and licked the liquorice coloured bbq cover.  I wonder if he was let down.

Day 35 - Eye See You Alfred

I got into Alfred's personal space for this.
He put up with it.
I remain scratch free.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 34 - Are You For Real? Mao

I always feel bad when I see pics of celebrities in the middle of eating food.  No one looks hot in the middle of masticating.  So why did I try and take a pic of Alfred eating?

Anyway he looked up before I got the money shot.  And he was not impressed.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 33 - Ironic Mr Mao

How cute does Mr Alfred Mao look in this picture?
So cute!!
But what you don't realise is that this is when he's at his furry shark best.
He looks cute and cuddly and loveable.
But the moment you go to pat his furry white puku he strikes with the speed of something really really fast.
And next thing you know you're hand is shredded and bleeding like a bleedy thing.

Ironic.  Don't you think?

Or maybe not ironic.  I never really got irony.  I barely get sarcasm.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 32 - The many faces of Alfred

Last night I was introduced to the Popbooth ap.
Love it.
Now Alfred gets to love it too!  Or not.