Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day One - The Beginning

It feels right to start this project by taking a picture of Alfred first thing this morning.
Here he is on our bed kneading the mink blanket.  He loves that blanket so much.  I think it reminds him of his mother, all soft and squishy and kneadable. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

T minus 3 Days

A few of us at work have decided to take part in that '100 days of doing something that some of those creative types do'.

Since I already write for a hobby as well as in real life I decided I couldn't be bummed doing more writing, so instead I'm going to take a picture a day of my cat Mr Alfred Mao (so named because he goes maaoooo rather than meow).

It isn't really the most creative thing to do, but if anything it'll be a good exercise in stickability for a person who quickly gets sick of doing stuff.